Kitchen clock
BOOTH 28-This clock runs very well and chimes on both the hour and the half hour with a soft...
Leather bag for female doctor
Made of black leather, this bag was used in the early 1900s by a female doctor, in itself a...
Bottles, bottles, bottles
BOOTH 10-Bottles of every size, shape and color for the collector, some of which were dug out of the...
Roseville “Donatello”
BOOTH DES-Two pieces of “Donatello” by Roseville Pottery, a large urn and a low bowl. The urn, unfortunately has...
Wooden highchair with graniteware tray
BOOTH 39-Old wooden highchair, painted sunny yellow with a cute decal on the back. The tray is white graniteware...
Tiny Thumbelina doll case
BOOTH DES-Tiny Thumbelina doll carrying case, in great shape. Probably from the 50s or 60s.
English bobby’s cape
BOOTH DLE-This heavy wool bobby’s cape would keep you nice and warm and look really cool besides!
Wicker doll buggy
BOOTH 28-Your little girl will love this wicker buggy from the 1940s for her baby doll.
Gone with the Wind lamp
BOOTH 35-Unusual electrified hand painted lamp with scene of a rustic cabin on both the top and bottom globe.